
17 Apr 2013 21:35 GMT

To Labuxiere: Congrats on being the first to break the 10,000 mark! I wonder how many keystrokes it took. Have you worn the labels off your arrow keys???
17 Apr 2013 18:57 GMT

to admin1: To be sure... I suppose that in your formula R1, R2, R3 and R4 are positions, R2b and R4b are values.
17 Apr 2013 18:16 GMT

to admin1: I think your formula is better indeed (cause the two b-columns are related to a-ratings).
17 Apr 2013 17:22 GMT

to Arnold: the idea is good, but I propose another formula: (R1 + R2*R2b + R3 + R4*R4b)/4. R2b and R4b are not the ratings by itself, they only show the "quality" of values in columns R2 and R4.
17 Apr 2013 16:02 GMT

to admin1: The four champions-tables we have now together contain six rating-columns: 1, 2a, 2b, 3, 4a and 4b. It would be a nice addition to have an extra summary-table with average position per player. For example, my average position out of six at this moment would be: (16+5+10+8+8+19)/6=11. Good idea?
15 Apr 2013 22:55 GMT

To jormawitick: Yes, there are some levels with this 1-step toplist entrys... I think it was a bug from the older website-version, but now it's no longer possible. To Admin1: can you fix this toplists? :D
15 Apr 2013 09:29 GMT

Is that new thing, called "unsolved levels". Thats great. You can go right ahead to play all levels, that you missed before. Thanks. (do I understand it right)
15 Apr 2013 09:08 GMT

to admin1: Thanks for adding new column! As I presumed, luyan has highest average... unbeatable!
15 Apr 2013 06:30 GMT

To Admin1 or anyone: What this level (Erim Sever - erim 81)means, how is it possible move just one move? I seen this kind of levels somewhere else too. Beats me.
14 Apr 2013 23:19 GMT

To jormawitick: thxbut i the take most of them on mini-levels (Microban etc.), bigger levels are much heavier to find the best/shortest solution...

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